After having finished my last Vectrex venture -> Release I decided that I could try one other Vectrex game.
Release was programmed in little over 2 months – this game will take longer, for several reasons:
a) I will start in earnest when I have finished all other current Vertex projects, this means I want to finish packaging and sending away all planned “Karl Quappe” packages. This will take some time, since i) the art of overlay production seems to be lost to humankind – I ordered them over six months ago and just received a message, that the colors didn’t stick to the overlay material – back to the drawing board!
b) The last games I did I had a clear target, since I actually only took a design from other people and basically copied it. The next game (while certainly will have aspects of other games) – will not be a clone.
The thought of doing this next game occured at the end of April – but only now (on the 22nd of June 2017) I started this new page.
Time will tell if a game actually grows out of this…